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Too much. I just throw my stuff in there, spin the wheel, and hope for the best. So far there hasn't been a fire. -- bbw slut Speaking of dryers, my friend Bill and I picked one up for my Mom back when we were in high school. It was probably 1980 or so, and I remember the guy at the Sears loading dock saying, "Um, Kay... Is that spelled with a C?" That was 25 years ago, and my parents are still using it. Works just fine, they say. How come I never have bbw slut that kind of bbw slut luck? I'm always replacing stuff, and spending large sums of money to get back to where I was yesterday. And I don't like that. -- Over the weekend I had the #27 lunch special from the new kick-ass Chinese restaurant in our neighborhood. Number 27 is sesame chicken, in case you're keeping score at home. Of course, as my old boss in Atlanta would surely say, "It doesn't matter which meal you order, it's gonna end up as #2 eventually."