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Again, sensitivity is often the main point of interest (often ignoring reproducibility and the effects of gradient elution on quantification), and there appears to be little discussion of the chromatographic process. The final question gc capillary columns is how can this situation be changed. In my opinion, we need more work on the theoretical basis of separations of simple fatty acid derivatives with the common range of stationary and mobile phases, and in particular to see how the selectivity of separations, especially gc capillary columns of positional isomers, can be influenced. It would be useful to use modern chemometric methods to optimize gc capillary columns separations with a variety of ternary-component mobile phases. Also, a better understanding of the influence of the esterifying moiety on separations would be of value. Do we need to stick to ODS phases? The properties of these can be varied according to the method of manufacture (monomeric versus polymeric) and the influence of this on separations of fatty acid derivatives should be known.